20 research outputs found


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    Pura Gunung Kawi Sebatu is a tourist destination in Bali. The temple is located in Sebatu Village, Tegallalang, Gianyar Regency. However, unlike most tourist destinations in general, Gunung Kawi Temple is infrequently visited by both foreign and domestic tourists, especially when compared with similar destinations, such as Pura Tirta Empul Tampaksiring. The purpose of this study is to determine the development strategy of “Pura Gunung Kawi Sebatu” and the impact of tourist visits on the welfare of community in Sebatu Village. This study used qualitative descriptive approach which aims to describe, record, analyze, and interpret current conditions of Pura Gunung Kawi Sebatu. The results from this study is the development strategies of Pura Gunung Kawi relies on some factors such as: the stability of various levels, such as security, comfort, support facilities and infrastructure; the quality and quantity of human resources; partnerships with funding agencies; the linkage function development of tourism activities; increased community participation in tourism development; and programs implementation for effective promotion on an ongoing basis. These stabilities help increase the number of tourist visits, which leads to community’s welfare in the area surrounding Pura Gunung Kawi Sebatu

    Pengelolaan Guest House di Ubud Bali sebagai Pengembangan Nomadic Tourism

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    The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the current tourism trend, namely the workcation trend where tourists work while traveling. One alternative tourism that follows the current trend is nomadic tourism. Lodging is a potential tourism sector that needs to be developed into nomadic tourism, considering that digital nomad tourists have a long time to stay and stay in lodgings, this sector is felt to be able to boost tourism sector income. Therefore, this study aims to describe the management of lodging in Ubud Bali as the development of nomadic tourism. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques through literature studies and then processed with qualitative data analysis techniques. The results of this study concluded that the management of inns in Ubud Bali already contains components of nomadic tourism. However, there are several components that still need improvement, namely the management of the nomadic tourism attraction component and nomadic tourism amenities, while the management of the nomadic tourism access component has been going well. This research is expected to be a recommendation material for lodging managers to find components for the development of nomadic tourism which still need to be improved

    RAPAT ADAT (SANGKEP) DALAM MASYARAKAT ADAT BALI SEBAGAI WAHANA PEMBENTUKAN WATAK WARGA NEGARA (CIVIC DISPOSITION) : Studi Kasus Pada Masyarakat Adat Bali di Desa Buyut Baru Kecamatan Seputih Raman Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan minimnya pengetahuan akan pelaksanaan musyawarah dan mufakat dalam penyelesaian masalah yang terjadi di masyarakat ditandai dengan kurangnya rasa toleransi dan kepedulian terhadap orang lain, serta tidak menghargai pendapat dari orang lain. Masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana membentuk karakter berdemokrasi melalui praktek serta nilai-nilai dalam rapat adat (sangkep), dan bagaimana pendapat tokoh adat terhadap pelaksanaannya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus di desa Buyut Baru. Berbagai teknik pengumpulan data digunakan dalam menghimpun data yang dibutuhkan yaitu teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan partsipasi. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan peneliti yaitu bahwa kegiatan adat yang dilaksanakan terdapat pembentukan karakter/watak berdemokrasi masyarakat adat Bali, seperti bertanggung jawab moral, disiplin diri, penghargaan terhadap harkat dan martabat manusia, kepedulian sebagai warga negara, kesopanan, mengindahkan aturan main (rule of law), berfikir kritis, kemauan untuk mendengar, bernegosiasi dan berkompromi. Kemudian pelaksanaan rapat adat (sangkep) di desa Buyut Baru memberikan penanaman nilai kepada masyarakat adat Bali disetiap tahapan kegiatannya seperti saling berkomunikasi, mendisiplinkan diri, gotong royong, mandiri, terbuka, saling mempercayai, saling mengevaluasi, berani menyam-paikan pendapat, saling menghargai, toleransi, dan selalu bermusyawarah. Pendapat tokoh adat di desa Buyut Baru terhadap praktek kehidupan berdemokrasi dalam rapat adat (sangkep) adalah positif, dalam arti bahwa pelaksanaan rapat adat (sangkep) memiliki banyak manfaat dan membantu masyarakat adat Bali di desa Buyut Baru dalam menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan ketika melaksanakan adat istiadatnya. Pelaksanaan rapat adat (sangkep) akan terus dilaksanakan karena selain merupakan warisan turun temurun dari orang tua (leluhur), masyarakat juga merasakan dampak positif ketika melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut.;---This research is motivated by the problem of lack of knowledge of the implementation of deliberation and consensus in solving problems that occur in the community marked by a lack of tolerance and concern for others, and not respecting the opinions of others. The problem studied in this study is how to shape the character of democracy through practice and values in traditional meetings (sangkep), and how traditional leaders think about their implementation. The approach used in this study is qualitative with a case study method in Buyut Baru village. Various data collection techniques are used in collecting the data needed, namely interview, observation, documentation and participation techniques. The results of the research found by the researchers were that the customary activities carried out included the formation of democratic character of the Balinese indigenous people, such as moral responsibility, self-discipline, respect for human dignity, caring as citizens, politeness, heeding the rules of the game (rule of law), critical thinking, willingness to hear, negotiate and compromise. Then the traditional meeting (sangkep) in Buyut Baru village gave value to Balinese indigenous people in every stage of their activities such as communicating, disciplining themselves, mutual cooperation, being independent, being open, trusting each other, evaluating each other, daring to express opinions, mutual respect, tolerance, and always deliberate. The opinion of traditional leaders in Buyut Baru village towards the practice of democratic life in traditional meeting (sangkep) is positive, in the sense that the implementation of traditional meeting (sangkep) has many benefits and helps Balinese indigenous people in Buyut Baru village in solving every problem when carrying out their customs. The traditional meeting (sangkep) will continue to be carried out because besides being a hereditary inheritance from parents (ancestors), the community also feels a positive impact when carrying out these activities

    Peran Human Capital Dan Kompetensi Wirausaha Dalam Mewujudkan Kesuksesan Wirausaha Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Umkm Di Bali

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    Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang peran human capital, kompetensi wirausaha  dalam mewujudkan kesuksesan pasca Covid 19 pada sector UMKM di Bali. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif yang menekankan pada kondisi obyek ilmiah. Data yang sudah terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan analisis melalui tiga tahapan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penyusunan kesimpulan atau verifikasi yang menghasilkan bahwa pelaku UMKM melakukan antisipasi kondisi pasca Covid 19 dengan kompetensi yang dimiliki yaitu dengan cara menggiatkan program pemasaran dan kerjasama dengan pemerintah, khususnya UMKM pada sector pariwisata melalui transformasi bisnis berbasis digital, meningkatkan standar kesehatan dan keamanan untuk meningkatkan lapangan kerja

    Internet of Things (IoT) Utilization to Improve Performance and Productivity of Internal Supply Chain

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    The inevitable transformations brought about by the rapidly changing Internet of Things (IoT) impact all aspects of life today, including management and businesses. Specifically, areas of businesses depending mainly on internal supply chain capacity are experiencing a paradigm shift to ensure effective company performance regarding purchases, production, company sales, and product distribution. This shift means that challenges faced by the internal chain supply unit can be solved by adopting and adapting IoT as a new way to minimize work delays and save time. Moreover, IoT automatically leads to performance and productivity increases. Therefore, the present paper aims to justify adopting and adapting IoT applications in Indonesian companies, including retail businesses. Most companies’ internal supply chain units face several difficulties during and after the devastating peak of COVID-19, which has led to a total global lockdown. These problems' complexity is exponential and requires innovative ways to solve their prevailing challenges. This study used observation, interview, and documentary research methods through a large-scale survey. The survey obtained the necessary information regarding how companies utilize IoT to improve their performance and productivity without hindering their internal supply chain and production units. The study concluded that the adoption of IoT, if well implemented, leads to a sustainable company and uninterrupted supply chain performance, indicating the proper performance of the organization. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SP1-017 Full Text: PD

    Strategi Menjadikan Nusa Lembongan Sebagai Tujuan Utama Wisata Bahari

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    Subsektor pariwisata sebagai peyumbang pada peningkatan pendapatan daerah yakni pariwisata bahari. Nusa Lembongan sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata yang memiliki potensi yang sangat baik di Bali. Tujuan riset ini adalah mengetahui hal-hal yang menjadi factor pendukung bagi wisatawan untuk mengunjungi jenis pariwisata di Nusa Lembongan terutama wisata bahari, karakteristik pantai Nusa Lembongan untuk mendukung kegiatan wisata bahari, dan langkah-langkah yang harus diambil untuk mewujudkan pariwisata bahari yang berkesinambungan di pantai Nusa Lembongan. Analisis dalam pennelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, bahwa Nusa Lembongan merupakan kawasan wisata pesisir pantai dengan pasir putihnya dan mememiliki keindahan alam yang esotic, adanya terumbu karang yang indah. Pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berkonsentrasi lingkungan, terkait juga dengan pembangunan ekonomi, serta pembangunan aspek sosial dan perlindungan terhadap klestarian lingkungan


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    This research aimed to know the perception of the Balinese against the caste system in the Buyut Baru village at 2015. The method used in this research was descriptive research method with a population of 174 family head. Data collection was using questionnaire as the principal technique, while the supporting technique were interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the data analysis, it was known that the understanding indicators was dominant within the understand category as much as 44.5%, the response indicators was dominant in agreement category as much as 61,1%, the expectation indicators was dominant within the less category impacted by as much as 50%, the social class or grouping indicators was dominant in agree categories as much as 66,7%, indigenous marriage system indicators was dominant within the category of less agree as much as 55,6%, the social reasons of familial surroundings have two categories that have the same score that is agreed and less agree as much as 38,9%.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Bali terhadap Sistem Kasta di Desa Buyut Baru tahun 2015. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan populasi yang berjumlah 174 kepala keluarga. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket sebagai teknik pokok, sedangkan tknik penunjangnya adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan analisis data diketahui bahwa indikator pemahaman dominan dalam kategori paham sebanyak 44,5 %, indikator tanggapan dominan dalam kategori setuju sebanyak 61,1 %, indikator harapan dominan dalam kategori kurang berdampak sebanyak 50 %, indikator pengelompokan atau kelas sosial dominan dalam kategori setuju sebanyak 66,7 %, indikator sistem perkawinan adat dominan dalam kategori kurang setuju sebanyak 55,6 %, indikator pergaulan dilingkungan kekerabatan terdapat dua kategori yang memiliki skor sama yaitu setuju dan kurang setuju sebanyak 38,9 %.Kata kunci : persepsi masyarakat bali, sistem kasta, sistem perkawinan adat


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    The synergy between tourism education institutions with the government is important to equate the perception that tourism as an independent science is a pride and a challenge for tourism college, including the International Bali Institute of Tourism (STPBI), which organizes vocational education programs. The role of the lecturer becomes very important in this stage. The problems in this research are 1). Does the organizational culture, competence, and compensation affect the job satisfaction of lecturers at STPBI 2). Does the job satisfaction, organizational culture, competence, and compensation affect the loyalty of lecturers at STPBI. This research uses a quantitative approach with Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tools. The result are, organizational culture, competence, and compensation have positive and significant impact on the job satisfaction of lecturers. Job satisfaction, organizational culture and compensation have positive and significant impact on lecturers' loyalty. However, competence has no significant effect on lecturer's loyalty